What We Do

We exist to support all who live, work and study on post-secondary campuses and to build relationships with local faith communities as we journey together in the Way of Jesus.


Our Values

  • We are committed to holistic formation, with the goal of living into the fullness which God has created us. Through spiritual practice, communal engagement, and leadership development.

  • We create space for the nourishment of our heart, soul, mind and body. We are a part of creation and encounter the Holy within and around us as we practice caring for our whole selves.

  • We express this through Indigenous reconciliation, anti-racist policies, creation care, queer pride, anti-poverty work, and peacebuilding. We work towards the equal distribution of wealth and resources, equal opportunities for all groups and minorities to participate, visible diversity, and human rights.

  • We are an intentional collective, living the embodiment of expansive welcome, caring for one another and creation, and aligning hearts, minds, and spirits with shared experience and diversity of vision.